
Christmas sales

During the lead up to the New Year, we were invited to several charity fairs at well-known companies such as kaspi.kzmagnum.kz, job.alsi.kz. We are always happy to respond to such invitations, since for us it is a wonderful opportunity to tell as many people as possible about our activities.

The sale of products created by our children at such fairs guarantees that they receive wages and, of course, allows us to buy materials for new products. Also, the proceeds from sales go to other MASP initiatives.

When we come to a fair at a company, we are always greeted by smiles and a wish to support our children, openness and interest in our activities and empathy and determination to help us in our work with a purchase or a charitable contribution. It is always interesting to step outside of the Centre, where all our initiatives take place, and compare it with the outside world. In addition, this time the work carried out by our small social enterprise was highly appreciated both for the great efforts we are making towards social integration and for the quality that characterises our products. Our desire is not only to "do", but also to "do well", and our girls are really capable of this.

We express our heartfelt gratitude to the employees of the companies kaspi.kz, magnum.kz, jobs.alsi.kz for inviting and supporting our social production and our beneficiaries in this way, and for organizing this moment and for showing us that "together" is possible and constructive. For our craftsmen, it is a great joy to know that their work is useful, and the products delight with their beauty and quality.

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