
Three years ago, thanks to the support of «Renovabis», we launched a new project called the "Centre for the Complete Rehabilitation of Children and Young People with Special Needs". Many of the children in this project also attend other activities offered by our Centre, and we can see how the physical and psychological support by some of our specialists has helped them in their development. 

Psychologist and speech therapist

In our headquarters, some offices are used to host specialists, a psychologist and a speech therapist, who deal with the rehabilitation of children and young people with special needs. We have many parents requesting visits for their children. 

Since starting this project, we have followed-up on many children who we would like to continue to support. In fact, some of them, after completing the course, have managed to integrate into other centres or have started attending kindergarten or school, while others still need our specialists. In addition, we have recently included in the project an external psychologist, who deals with the behavioral problems of some children.

Each child receives individual support according to a specific programme which is regularly monitored. Moreover, so that the work is more productive, the psychologist and the speech therapist work closely together.

Physiotherapy and gymnastics

Our Centre three times a week runs group gymnastics lessons for children. They are led by a teacher who helps them develop motor skills, through stretching exercises, obstacle courses, and playful activities with music and games. In addition, we have started physiotherapy study for some children with severe disabilities who require massage and physiotherapy.

A child’s smile, their first words, a change in their behaviour, an improvement in their motor skills - these are what make us want to continue working and not stop at the difficulties we sometimes face for all kinds of reasons. Indeed, difficulties can also be a source of growth and change.
