
Day: November 21, 2023

“Kudai sobi boldy zhane os kunen bastap bez endi zhalgyz emespiz.Bul Christmas...Bizdі zhaksy koredi, bіzdі kalaidy, bіzdі sauyktyrady zhәne keshіredі...Bizdі zhaksy koredi... zda zhane bizden kashykta zhurgen barshanyzdy shyn zhurekten kuttyktaymyz” Dear friends, today the year 2023 ends. The year was full of many meetings, a lot of work, and new initiatives. There's so much we could say, but we'll find a way to […]

“The poor are people, they have faces, stories, hearts and souls. They are brothers and sisters with their own strengths and weaknesses, like everyone else, and it is important to enter into a personal reality with each of them... Let the solidarity and auxiliary of many citizens who believe in the value of voluntary commitment to the poor... It is a matter of justice that obliges all [ …]

During this pre-New Year period, we were invited to several charity fairs in large companies, such as kaspi.kz, magnum.kz, job.alsi.kz. We always gladly respond to such invitations, since this is a great opportunity for us to tell as many people as possible about our activities. Selling products created by our guys at such fairs guarantees that they receive wages and, of course, [...]

We would like to thank the guys from Almaty University Management (AlmaU) @almau_edu for organizing and conducting the sale of our products at their university! These guys undergo a seven-week internship at our Center. Meeting them is a great opportunity to look at our work with new, more open eyes, welcoming their ideas and observations. Besides the fact that it is useful for our guys [...]

We have decided to start this quarterly newsletter to tell you what is happening at our Almaty Center and to involve you as much as possible in our activities. In this first issue, we wanted to introduce our Small Steps project and tell you about this beginning of the working year. First plan “The only joy in the world is to start” Starting […]

Alessandro D'Avenia May 23, 2022 “I am 23 years old and I feel dead. I implement my projects in study and work, I have enough friends, but I am always dissatisfied. In recent months, especially, my heart has been callous and icy. There is no more love in my life: how to break through this shell in order to meet life halfway and open [...]
