
Masp Almaty​

MASP – International Association of social projects – is a no-profit organization created in August 2002 by a group of young people from Italy and Kazakhstan working in the social sphere.

Orientation after school, professional training, and assistance in the employment of vulnerable young people

Physical rehabilitation and socio-educational activities for children with disabilities

Educational activities for minors from families in need

A craft house where talented young people with special needs and people with difficulties work

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Our mission and

MASP’s mission consists of supporting and promoting human development in Kazakhstan with a particular emphasis on the education and the defence of human rights and dignity of people in every aspect.

Our method:

People are at the centre of everything: people are the focus of every project. The primary task for us is to try to understand a person from the people closest to them (their family), and from a broader context (society)

Starting from the positives: every person and every society represents a potential resource, the value of which must be identified and appreciated

Working together: MASP’s approach to the creation and implementation of its projects can be expressed as "working together" with the people it supports, starting from the relationship with those to whom the project is aimed for and building together a path of human growth

Developing civil society and mutual assistance: any development project must involve the participation of individuals and society as a whole, recognizing and identifying the value of associations of intermediate institutions

Partnership: It is necessary to build on the individual as they already are, involving public figures and familiar faces at the local and international level in order to respond to the identified needs

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children receiving specialised services
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children and families receiving financial assistance
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social workers receiving training
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total number of beneficiaries
News and events

“Kudai sobi boldy zhane os kunen bastap bez endi zhalgyz emespiz.Bul Christmas...Bizdі zhaksy koredi, bіzdі kalaidy, bіzdі sauyktyrady zhәne keshіredі...Bizdі zhaksy koredi... zda zhane bizden kashykta zhurgen barshanyzdy shyn zhurekten kuttyktaymyz” Dear friends, today the year 2023 ends. The year was full of many meetings, a lot of work, and new initiatives. There's so much we could say, but we'll find a way to […]

“The poor are people, they have faces, stories, hearts and souls. They are brothers and sisters with their own strengths and weaknesses, like everyone else, and it is important to enter into a personal reality with each of them... Let the solidarity and auxiliary of many citizens who believe in the value of voluntary commitment to the poor... It is a matter of justice that obliges all [ …]

During this pre-New Year period, we were invited to several charity fairs in large companies, such as kaspi.kz, magnum.kz, job.alsi.kz. We always gladly respond to such invitations, since this is a great opportunity for us to tell as many people as possible about our activities. Selling products created by our guys at such fairs guarantees that they receive wages and, of course, [...]

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